The games

Each local event culminates with a game of football inside a prison involving parents and their children.

This requires a lot of preparation with the children, with the parents inside and outside prison, prison staff, as well as local and national authorities.

(If playing a game of football isn’t possible for practical reasons, other sports or games can be used.)

Children’s experiences of the event are collected

The following principles and values apply at all times:

Child safeguarding: We actively seek to prevent harm, abuse and distress of children in all of our actions, whether deliberate or unintentional.

Child participation: We involve children in preparing and executing the event. We listen to what they have to say.

We combat all forms of discrimination and encourage participants to express openness and tolerance. The events are gender neutral with girls, boys, fathers and mothers involved.

Who we are

Children of Prisoners Europe (COPE) is a pan-European network working with and on behalf of children with imprisoned parents.

Our vision

That every child be guaranteed fair, unbiased treatment, protection of his or her rights, and equal opportunities regardless of gender, social, economic or cultural heritage.

Our mission

To safeguard the social, political and judicial inclusion of children with an imprisoned parent, while fostering the pursuit and exchange of knowledge which enhances good practices, and contributes to a better understanding of the psychological, emotional and social development of these children.

in the 2023 edition
of a Game with Mum & Dad

Participating in the 2023 edition of a Game with Mum & Dad will be Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain (Catalonia), Switzerland and the UK (England and Scotland). More are likely to join this first edition. Do get in touch if you’re curious or interested.

Logo of Bambinisenzasbarre

Bambinisenzasbarre is a non-governmental organisation based in Milan, Italy working to support the child-parent relationship with specific attention on the unexpected and potentially traumatic separation from the detained parent.

Logo of Exodus

Exodus Nederland is a Dutch association aiming to support prisoners in their successful transition back into society after incarceration.

Logo of Families Outside

Families Outside is the only national charity that works solely to support the families of people affected by imprisonment in Scotland. Our purpose is to improve outcomes for children and families affected by imprisonment so they can live healthy, active lives free from stigma and disadvantage.

Logo of Generalitat de Catalunya

The Generalitat de Catalunya is the autonomous government of the community of Catalonia in Spain. The Department of Justice has a secretariat in charge of criminal policy, reintegration and attention to victims.

Logo of Pact

The Prison Advice and Care Trust is an organisation working with prisoners and their families in the UK to provide a fresh start as well as practical and emotional support for prisoners and their families.

Logo of POPS

POPS is a UK-based organisation that aims to provide a variety of services to support anyone who has a link with someone in prison, prisoners and other agencies, for the purpose of enabling them to cope with the stress of arrest, sentence, imprisonment and release.

Małopolskiego Stowarzyszenia Probacja provides support to the families of people who have been incarcerated in Poland, with a particular focus on children. Probacja aims to help these children overcome the trauma of having to live without one or both of their parents.

Logo of Relais enfants parents

Relais Enfants Parents is active in the Belgian regions of Brussels and Wallonia. It provides professional psychological support to help maintain and support the bond between a child and his or her incarcerated parent. 

Logo of REPR

Relais Enfants Parents Romands (REPR) is an organisation working with families and children of prisoners in Geneva, Switzerland to give support to families of detainees, and to raise awareness about imprisonment and its effects on children and families.

With thanks to

Logo of European Union
Logo of Fondation for Children of prisoners
Logo of Generalitat de Catalunya